So, to get the most enjoyment out of the slasher playing style, which of these three icons should you go for? These icons are All-Star players, past or present, and your player will embody a similar skill set to whichever one you choose. Once you’ve chosen your play style, you’ll be presented with a choice of three different icons. The second is ‘sure handles’, which means that while dribbling the ball you receive a small stamina boost and a slight reduction to the chance of losing the ball. The first of these is the ‘pick and drive, an offensive trait which gives a slight boost to your finishing when using a pick to drive. They also have a couple of traits which are specific to this playing style. His or her layup and dribbling skills will both receive a 74/95 rating, while passing, shot off the dribble, and mid-range shot will all start at 74/88. Slashers all start with the same basic skills. You’ll then need to choose what type of player you wish to play with, and for this article we’ll be focussing on the slasher play style.